Saturday, March 14, 2020

Aristotle on the Mixed Form of Government in Sparta

Aristotle on the Mixed Form of Government in Sparta Aristotle, in  On the Lacedaemonian Constitution- a section of  The Politics- says that some claim Spartas system of government included monarchical, oligarchic and democratic components. The Lacedaemonian [Spartan] constitution is defective in another point; I mean the Ephoralty. This magistracy has authority in the highest matters, but the Ephors are chosen from the whole people, and so the office is apt to fall into the hands of very poor men, who, being badly off, are open to bribes.- Aristotle Monarchical In the monarchical system two kings- hereditary monarchs, one from each of the Agiad and Eurypontid families- had priestly obligations and the power to make war (although by the time of the Persian Wars, the kings power to make war was restricted). Oligarchic The kings were automatic members of the Gerousia, the council of 28 elders picked for life plus the two kings. Five ephors, chosen annually by popular election, had the main power. Democratic The final component was the assembly, made up of all Spartiates- full Spartan citizens- over 18. Aristotle on the Poor In the quoted passage on the government of Sparta, Aristotle disapproves of government run by poor people. He thinks they would take bribes. This is striking for two reasons: that he would think the rich were not susceptible to bribes, and that he approves of government by the elite, something people in modern democracies tend to disapprove. Why would such a well-educated, brilliant thinker believe there was a difference between the rich and poor? Sources Chronology of Early SpartaAncient History SourcebookThe Ephors of Sparta  Herodotus on the Kings of Sparta C 430 BCEThe Kings of SpartaPeriegesis Hellados IIIThe Spartan SystemThomas Martin OverviewXenophon: Constitution of the Lacedaemonians 13.1ff and  Ã‚  8.3